Language learning basics


Level after the end of the course: A1+ according to CEFR:

  • Language skills: Listening and reading comprehension, oral and written expression on the above topics;
  • Language knowledge: conscious and reflective engagement with language

Teaching methods

Communicative, interactive and action-oriented teaching.

Students are always encouraged to actively participate in lessons in the form of group and partner work, role plays and simulations of everyday situations.

Course content

Grammatical material:

    • Sounds and letters: the Russian alphabet (print and cursive), vowels and consonants;
    • Spelling;
    • Word types: nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, numerals;
    • simple prepositions;

Communicative topics and topic-related lexis:

    • can tell about themselves and others: Personal details (age, place of residence and origin, languages, marital status, (future) profession);
    • Hobbies and interests and leisure time;
    • Appearance (facial features, physique);
    • Occupations, place of work and fields of study;
    • simple time and date information (seasons and months, days of the week and daily routine);
    • Countries, regions (focus: Russia and Austria), nationality names;
    • Written and oral skills:
    • Introducing oneself and saying goodbye (in person and on the phone) (greeting and farewell flosks);
    • arranging simple official and various private meetings;
    • asking how you are (typical phrases);
    • private correspondence (postcard and e-mail)


                          • Russian for beginners (who want to learn it quickly). Textbook and audio book. Workbook with keys. Edith Lampl, Nieves Cavic-Podgornik, Zoja Solonina / New edition. Berger & Söhne GesmbH publishing house, Horn-Vienna 2016. lessons 1-8.
                          • Additional materials and copies provided in class/via Moodle.